Call Deflection
Your Customers don’t want to call…but they do, and they do! Most with simple inquiries that could (and should) be resolved without having to pick up a phone and go through a longer process (hold times, agent redirects, etc). Built into your back-office systems, GOCare’s Digital Experience Platform has proven to significantly reduce call volumes by as much as 50% for our clients.
What is GOCare Messenger?
GOCare Messenger is our opt-in service for your clients that sends automated text messages proactively, reducing the need for a call:
outage notifications, tech-on-the-way, payment due dates/postings, balances, etc. Messages are immediate and can be initiated by customers OR the company.
A mid-sized operator in a major market suburb partnered with GOCare to deploy GOCare Messenger and experienced dramatic results. As the chart illustrates below, the contact rate plunged 50% over a four-year period and completely eliminated unmanageable call spikes.
80% contact rate DOWN to 40%
“High Volume – Low Value” calls estimated
Predictable call levels = cost effective staffing
GOCare Messenger is an opt-in service so not every customer will sign up for its benefits, however the chart below shows a comparison between a partner’s zero-call customers who use GOCare Messenger and zero-call customers who don’t. Opt- ins are twice as likely to NOT call than non Opt-ins.
Linear increase of zero calls for GOCare Messenger Opt-ins
Linear decrease of zero calls for NON-GOCare Messenger Opt-ins
Customers who do NOT opt-in to GOCare Messenger still receive benefits of GOCare with our advanced call router through intercepts based on account status (outage area, disconnect looking to make payment, upcoming appointments) further diverting unnecessary calls and improving your customer’s experience. One GOCare partner reported an additional 21% call deflection.